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September Oil and Gas News Round-Up

There’s a lot going on in the world of gas and oil, so we thought we’d help you stay up to date with some of the current news. Here’s a brief oil and gas news round-up of some of the hottest stories that got our attention during the month of September. 

The Importance of Cables in the Oil and Gas Industry

Cables aren’t exactly seen as the hero of the oilfield. But where would we be without this vital piece of our equipment? They are integral to getting so many things done, but can also pose some serious safety risks for the ill-informed (and we don’t want that to be you). Read on to learn more … Continued

Preparing Oil for Market: Part 1

We know how tough the oil industry can be, and it’s about more than just obtaining the oil. There are so many rules and regulations, so many possibilities to consider. You also need to make sure you have the oil prepared properly to take it to market. While equipment is our expertise, every aspect of … Continued

Five Oil and Gas Apps Worth Downloading

Mobile apps are becoming a standard for nearly every industry, and oil and gas is no exception. With the growth of our industry comes the growth of related technology. We checked out a few free apps that apply to the gas and oil fields. Have you tried any of these? Rigzone – Oil and Gas … Continued

Swabbing Safely

Swabbing is by far the Most Efficient method to bring “Loaded Up” well production Roaring back to full production. Swabbing doesn’t cost, … It Pays Back Big Time. Some people believe that swabbing might be dangerous. It can be. However Good Operational safety practices can reduce the risks. Swabbing with your new Swab Master Machine, following proper Hookups And … Continued

What is swabbing in the oil and gas industry?

Gas and oil wells produce fluid over the life of a well. When a well is first Drilled. Usually, it is “fracked” to help open productions zones. Fracking can include water. After “frac” the fluids are recovered by swabbing to “kick” the well off. As fluids are lifted up and off, The bottom hole pressure pushes the gas … Continued

Winch Truck Operator Qualifications

Once you’ve acquired a great winch truck with Tiger General, you need to make sure you have an equally good winch truck operator. You can’t trust quality equipment to unqualified employees. So what should you be looking for when you’re hiring an operator?

What is an Active Rig Count?

An active rig count, specifically the Baker Hughes Rig Count, is an official listing of operational oil and gas rigs in a certain area. The list includes both location and functional status of rigs, and can be recorded nationally and/or internationally. It is an important way to gain insight into the quantity of active drilling … Continued

How to Maintain Oil Field Equipment

With the demanding work required of your heavy machinery, it’s imperative to provide a consistent maintenance plan. When well taken care of, your oil field equipment is less likely to break down and can provide you a bigger payload. Sticking with a maintenance routine helps extend the life of your equipment and reduces down time. … Continued

Chemical Treatment of Oil and Gas

Crude oil is composed of various elements beyond oil, gas and hydrocarbons. It’s necessary to separate the elements in crude oil, and treating the oil is a key part of that process. Treatment starts before the oil is even out of the ground, and continues up to point of sale. For instance, chemical compounds are … Continued