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The Importance of Cables in the Oil and Gas Industry

Cables aren’t exactly seen as the hero of the oilfield. But where would we be without this vital piece of our equipment? They are integral to getting so many things done, but can also pose some serious safety risks for the ill-informed (and we don’t want that to be you). Read on to learn more about the importance of cables in the oil and gas industry, as well as the safety considerations when dealing with them. Be sure to consult an expert on safety precautions when needed, as this is just a starting point for cable information.

Keep an Eye on Your Cables

Like everything on the oilfield, you need to make sure your cables are in good working order. If your wire cables become damaged, get overused or are badly maintained, they will fail. It is natural for wire to lose strength with continued use, so maintenance is necessary. 

You may have read about the “nominal/catalog” strength of a wire, which applies to new and unused wire. Keep in mind that this nominal strength is the point at which a straight line pull will break a new wire, so it essentially serves as a breaking point instead of suggested workload capacity.

To find your workload capacity, utilize the suggested design factor established by OSHA, ANSI, ASME and other government and industrial organizations. Throughout the process, follow proper procedures for determining what the wire can hold and adhere to those limits. Over time, those limits will change and the wire cables will wear out, so reassess as often as necessary. Be sure to periodically apply lubricant to your wires to keep them functioning, recording the date and person who inspects your cables to keep an accurate maintenance log. It’s not only an OSHA requirement, but also a good way to have confidence in your cabling. 

Factors that Affect Cables

Various components impact cable performance. Every kind of fitting that comes into contact with an individual wire can impact the workload capacity. The whole wire cabling system needs to be regularly inspected. A few areas of concern include, but are not limited to:

  • Corrugated, worn or small sheaves 
  • Kinks and knots in the rope 
  • Environmental factors, heat, moisture, corrosive conditions, etc. 
  • Lack of lubrication on rope and related parts
  • Contact with electrical wires

Types of Cables in the Oil and Gas Industry

There’s a variety of wire rope types available. We have a few favorites that we often trust.

  1. Single Size – This has wires of all the same size wonder around a center.
  2. Seale – A ring of larger outer wires with the same number of smaller inner wires wrapped around a core. It provides increased abrasion resistance but decreased fatigue resistance. 
  3. Filler Wire – Large wires with small wires filling the spaces between. This has crush resistance with a good amount of strength, flexibility and abrasion resistance.

Get the Right Equipment to Complement Effective Cabling

If you want more detailed information about the cabling we have available, check out our flyer. Of course, having effective cables is a great start, but you’ll need quality machinery all over the oilfield. Trust in the trucks and equipment provided by Tiger General. We have years of experience and excellent after-sale service. Fill out the Tiger General Truck Inquiry Form today to get started on bringing your next piece of equipment to where it’s needed most.